Name: ping Type: request Purpose: > Test availability and operativeness of a server. Response: echo Inherits: message Elements: Decryption-Request: { type: string, max_length: 256, encryption_required: true } Encryption-Request: { type: string, max_length: 256 } Notes: > The 'ping' message type can be used for testing a server and the communication channel between server and client, as well as for retrieving the server's public key. If the 'ping' message is signed, the server will try to verify the signature using the sender ID ('From' field) or the public key provided in the message ('Public-Key' element). The result of the verification will be included in the 'Verification-Result' field of the echo. If the 'ping' message contains an element named 'Decryption-Request~', the echo will contain an element named 'Decryption-Result' with the decrypted value. If the 'ping' message contains an element named 'Encryption-Request', the echo will contain an element named 'Encryption-Result' with the original value encrypted.